
Extended Learning Program

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pi Day Celebration

5th Grade Mathematicians recently celebrated Pi Day. Pi Day is March 14th ( 3.14) every year....
We celebrated by wearing Pi crowns, cooking and eating apple, chocolate and pizza pie, and of course learning all about how to find the circumference and area of circles. We also found the circumference and area of our heads (pretending, of course that they were perfectly round circles.)

We're proud of Maria for memorizing 27 digits of Pi to win our Pi memorization contest!
If you click this link, you can see some Pi songs written by our 5th graders.

Here are some pictures from our celebration... 

Creating our Pi crowns

Using the crowns to help us determine circumference...

Ms. Blair helped us with her cooking expertise and kitchens. We are so grateful to her!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Applied Math Homework for 3/8

Here is a great trebuchet based game called Crush Crush the Castle

When you play it, take the time to consider what it takes to successfully knock down the castle walls. Come to class prepared to discuss your findings. Good luck!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pictures from Improv and Public Speaking

In February, the improv group had two special events. 

The first one was a visit from Jonathan Farmer, who is an actor, director and writer out of NYC. He taught us about projecting our voices and about pronouncing things clearly.
Here are a couple of pics from that visit...

And try these tongue twisters: 
You know New York, unique New York
You know you need unique New York

Red leather, yellow leather (x5)

Rubber baby buggy bumpers (x5)

We also partnered with some 4th graders from AES to present the Change for Haiti Results
GBS and AES together raised almost $1600 for earthquake victims!

Here are a few pictures from our presentation to the AES and GBS students ...