
Extended Learning Program

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Logic Puzzle

Click HERE 5th grade mathematicians, then go to the page that says " Interactive Grid." You can use it to help you solve the puzzle!

Improv at Children in the Arts Day

Come see our improv group, RECYCLED TALENT, perform from 1:15-2 pm at the Mariposa this Saturday in Peterborough! It will be awesome and hilarious for sure!

While you are there, be sure to see the costume sketches made by our ELP Costume Design Class, hanging at Joseph's Coat in Peterborough!

Silent Movies!

We are going to see two silent movies as a whole ELP group on Thursday.

That means over 115 students are invited!

We are going to see  Sherlock, Jr.  and  One Week , two famous Buster Keaton comedies.

If you click on the links above, it will bring you to the movies themselves, which are online through Google videos.

Jeff Rapsis will be playing piano for us again this year. He was a big hit last year. It will be an awesome end of the year celebration and cultural experience for everyone!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Three Legged Twin Costume
Here are some highlights from the fantastic play that performed April 14th and 15th! Check them out!

Jack Versus the Banana

Math Medusa ( The Play Within the Play)

Director Auditions

The 30 members of the cast and crew did a phenomenal job bringing it all together. Check out the awesome costumes and props created by ELP classes as well! 

Making the wiener dog costumes in Costume Design

Working on some lunch trays for Props and Set Design

Creating the cave set piece in Costumes and Props