
Extended Learning Program

Friday, June 3, 2011

End of the Year

Dear ELP Families,

We've had a great year in ELP filled with lots of hands on learning and great successes! I appreciate all of your support and your students' enthusiasm.

ELP will be wrapping up slightly early this year, due to my upcoming maternity leave. The last day of ELP classes is officially June 10th, with some classes finishing earlier in that week.

My maternity leave will extend through the Fall, and I will return after Thanksgiving. While I am gone, there will be a substitute who will be starting the year off, so that it begins smoothly.

It has been a fun year with all of the students. We still have some great work ahead before June 10th, but if I do not see you to tell you in person, have a great summer. I will look forward to seeing all of you in the Fall!


Maryanne Cullinan

Reflection Video from Griffins' Nest

Here is a quick video of some of our Griffins reflecting on what they liked and what they learned this year.

CLICK HERE for the link!

GBS Recycled Fashion Show a Hit!

Here are pictures from our 1st ever Recycled, Repurposed and Reused Fashion Show! It featured designs from our Costume Design Class. It was FABULOUS!

 A tie skirt and repurposed t-shirt top.
 A red dress of recycled paws, a green dress of repurposed grain bags and a shirt of reused ribbons, buttons and fabric.

 Reused carpet foam, duct tape and grain bags.

Various reused lace curtains and netting make this ensemble.

 A feed bag makes this dress.

 Recycled paper from the trash makes a splash!

 This ensemble is all recycled clothing.

This was put together from many water bottles and duct tape.

 On the left, a party ensemble from a reused pair of jeans and a lace curtain.
The jumper is from pellet stove bags.

 Recycled tshirt, lace curtain and carpet foam make this white dress.

Trashbags and sheets were sewn together to create the stripes on this look.