
Extended Learning Program

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April Brings Showers of Creativity

We've been super busy here in the various ELP classes this past month. Costume Design has been especially focused, as our play Dragon-Aid, the Flavor With the Fiery Kick performs the weekend of May 14th.

A couple of weeks ago, Magazine, Costume Design, FlipVid and Birding all presented for the School Board and the community. Mackenzie Burnside presented her findings about eggs as well. We've gotten a lot of very positive feedback about the presentations. Thanks Juliet, JT, Liz, Morgan, Cailin, Davi, Molly, Mackenzie, Marina, Isabella, Matt and Carly for coming and representing us so well!

This past week, many eighth graders went to DC as part of a class field trip. Those who stayed at GBS were incredibly productive and helpful to creating the costumes. Quinn Kepner, Triston Spaulding, Storm England, Sean Campell, Becca Goldspring as well as many others really stepped up to help bring everythign together. We are very proud of the giant dragon puppet that is coming together in the IT room with help from Mr. Sweeney. Pictures will soon be following!

Flip Vid Class has several films in production that we hope to screen soon. They include a film about GBS for upcoming 5th graders in the elementary schools, a music video to a rap called Let Learning Happen and a cooking show starring Tasty Ted and Saucy Steve. I can't wait to see the final product!

Magazine has been creating many fabulous articles, although our staffing has been pretty severely impacted by the DC trip, NWEA testing, and field trips. Even with all the spring business, the students continue to do a great job.

Applied Mathematicians have been stretching and growing in a unit on logic puzzles and logical thinking. We've had a great time working together to solve the puzzles.

5th grade mathematicians have also worked on logic puzzles, and are currently learning about coordinate grids, congruency, reflections, translation and other concepts.

Improvers had their first show for Ms. Bundy's class. A good time was had by all. The improv group continues to grow. We've welcomed Kaitlyn and Michael B. as our newest members this month. We're looking forward to perhaps doing a small performance at the June talent show.

Birding is working on bringing Project Nighthawk to GBS. Here's a link.

Lastly, we had a great field trip with the Griffin's Nest to Bowling Acres in Peterborough. We have 62 students involved with the program. We are very excited with how it has helped bridge AES and GBS.

As you can see, ELP is bubbling with a Spring explosion of creativity and work!

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